Entrance test T-Kurs (AT-T)

The entrance test (Aufnahmetest) for T-course applicants consists of two parts:

  • about one-hour online exam in mathematics
  • about one-hour online exam in german

Both parts of the exam will be taken on the same day.


Please note:

  • Only with a valid "Vormerkung" and a place confirmation after successful registration, you can participate in the entrance test.
  • No aids are allowed.
  • Please bring your "Vormerkung" and passport with you for the entrance test.
  • Please bring your access data to the following portals: onSET, Ilias
  • Please come on time


Information about the German exam

aThe admission test takes place with the help of the onSET (= online placement test). You do not need computer skills. You only need to know how to use the keyboard and mouse. Everything else is automatic. The onSET contains eight excercises. Each excercise consists of a cloze text with exactly 20 gaps. There is a maximum of five minutes left for every cloze text. Overall, the test takes a maximum of 40 minutes.

Further information can be found on the website https://www.onset.de/.  You can prepare yourself for onSET with a sample test. The test is shorter and a little easier than the onSET. But it shows you what to do with onSET.


Information about the math exam

Format: The entrance test mathematics takes place as an electronic exam in the learning platform Ilias of the KIT.
Content: Subject matter including the 11th grade of a German grammar school
Preparation: For example


previuous example excercises

Hint: Integral calculus is no longer part of the entrance test.

Example: In order to be able to process the example, you first need an Ilias account! This can be obtained via the following button:


Create Ilias account


The example can be found at the Ilias of KIT:




You must be logged in to Ilias to work on the example.


Registration (only possible after receiving a Vormerkung):




September 03, 2024 at KIT-Studienkolleg





Begin T-course:
