DSH-preparation courses

The DSH preparatory courses prepare for the German Language Examination for University Entrance (DSH) within one to two semesters. The courses extend the language skills with regard to the daily (professional) language requirements in the study.


  • listening comprehension
  • reading comprehension
  • Scientific Language Structures (Grammar)
  • Forms of scientific writing (e.g., conclusion, hypothesis, reasoning)
  • Text types: descriptive texts (for example system description), arguing texts (e.g. evaluation)
  • Exercises for oral expression

The DSH of the Studienkollegs Karlsruhe is registered at the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) and the Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF) according to § 3 Abs. 1 i.V.6 of the "Rahmenordnung über Deutsche Sprachprüfungen für das Studium an Hochschulen" (RO-DT). Register number: SK 22-02/14